From June 6 to July 26, I will be in Thailand with three college girls building relationships with students at the university in Chiang Mai. We will also be interacting with the local villages and elementary schools spreading God’s Truth. Please pray for our safety and for the lives of the lost people we will get to know.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

One day

Today was an amazing day that I will never forget. It was also a huge encouragement to remind me why I am here.
I have been trying very hard to get together again with the girls who asked me about Christianity at the cooking class. To be honest, it was a little frustrating always getting cancelled on. Today Shauna and I met up with them for lunch and walked around the nearby mall. After we hung out for a while, we started asking them some questions about Buddhism. Finally we asked, "What do you know about Jesus?" One of them answered, "I see him on the cross... what does that even mean?" We spent the next two hours telling the 5 girls about God's unconditional love for each one of them. I thought that they would get tired and drained but they just kept asking questions, they were so interested in what we had to say. They didn't accept Christ but that wasn't in God's plan for today. We did what we came here to do, to sow truth. Please continue to pray for our good friends: Nun, Bee, Ann, Mint, and Bow.
Towards the end of our conversation I got a call from my teammate Alicia, she had just gotten back from having tea with our neighbor Nikki. She was so excited to tell me that she also just shared the gospel.
I was worried about the fact that we only have two weeks left. I felt like we still had so much to do and not enough time. One day was all it took for two huge prayer requests to be answered.

Read more about Alicia's visit with Nikki on her blog!

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